
Conquer Your Market With AI-POWERED MARKETING That Delivers Results!

Discover our AI-powered strategies to attract more customers.

Chiropractor Marketing Strategies & Tips
Dental Marketing Strategies & Tips
Veterinarian Marketing Strategies & Tips

Who We Are 

At FoundLocals, our story began in 2008 when our founder, Robert Krenz, recognized the struggles small businesses faced in the rapidly evolving digital landscape. With a passion for helping these businesses succeed, Robert set out on a mission to level the playing field.

Today, we're driven by a vision to revolutionize the way small businesses approach digital marketing. By harnessing the power of AI, we've made cutting-edge solutions accessible and affordable for all. Our dedicated team works tirelessly to empower our clients to thrive in the digital age, delivering measurable results that fuel their growth.

We believe that every small business deserves the opportunity to make its mark in the world, and we're here to make that possible. Join us on this exciting journey as we redefine what's possible for small businesses in the digital era.
Our Values For Success



Your success is our success. We're dedicated to helping you achieve your marketing goals and grow your business.



We stay at the forrefront of AI marketing Technology to bring you the most effective strategies and tactics.



Everything we do is designed to drive real, measurable results for your busioness.  Our AI strategies are continously optimized to maximize your ROI.


we believe in transparency, honesty, and delivering on our promises.  Your trust is our most valuable asset. 



We're here to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive in the digital landscape. 



As your strategic partner, we're invested in your long-term success.  We're here to provide guidance, support, and insights every step of the way. 

Our AI-Enhanced Marketing Services
AI-Enhanced Google Review Generation

Revolutionize your online reputation with our cutting-edge AI-powered Google review management system. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to automatically request, generate, and respond to reviews, dramatically boosting your visibility and credibility in search results.

Key benefits:
  • Increase your Google Business Profile ranking.
  • Attract more potential customers with positive reviews.
  • Save time with automated review requests and responses.
  • Improve customer satisfaction through prompt feedback management.
  • Gain valuable insights from customer sentiment analysis.
Our AI technology streamlines the entire review process, making it effortless for satisfied customers to leave glowing feedback. It also helps you quickly address any concerns, maintaining your stellar online presence. With our system, you can achieve up to 25% review rates, outpacing competitors and establishing your business as a trusted leader in your industry.
Leverage the power of AI to turn your happy customers into your best marketers, all while building a robust, positive online reputation that drives growth and success.

Start Your 14-Day FREE Trial of AI-Enhanced Review Generation Today!  Click HERE to Learn More!

AI-Powered Social Media Management R.E.C.I.P.E.
Revolutionize your social media presence with our cutting-edge AI-powered R.E.C.I.P.E. management system. Harness the power of artificial intelligence to automatically create, schedule, and optimize content across multiple platforms, dramatically boosting your engagement and brand visibility.

Key benefits:
  • Increase your social media engagement rates by up to 50%
  • Attract more followers with consistently high-quality, relevant content.
  • Save 20+ hours per week with automated content creation and scheduling.
  • Improve brand consistency across all major social platforms.
  • Gain valuable insights from advanced performance analytics.
Our AI technology streamlines the entire social media process, making it effortless to maintain an active and engaging online presence. It also helps you quickly respond to trends and audience preferences, keeping your brand at the forefront of your industry. With our system, you can achieve up to 3x more content output, outpacing competitors and establishing your business as a social media leader.

Leverage the power of AI to turn your social media accounts into powerful marketing tools, all while building a robust, engaging online presence that drives growth and customer loyalty.

Start Your FREE 30-Day Trial of the AI R.E.C.I.P.E. System Today! Click HERE to Learn More!

Our Proprietary AI-Powered 10X Retargeting Strategy!
Revolutionize your marketing approach by capturing and engaging with 100% of your website visitors, long after they've left your page. Our innovative, AI-powered 10X retargeting strategy is designed to keep your brand at the forefront of your customers' minds, regardless of whether they're ready to make a purchase today, tomorrow, or even weeks down the line.

By leveraging advanced targeting techniques and personalized messaging, our system ensures that your marketing efforts are consistently delivered to the right audience at the optimal time. This persistent engagement not only increases brand awareness but also fosters a deeper connection with your potential customers, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and long-term brand loyalty.

With our cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights, you'll be able to maximize the impact of your marketing spend, reaching your target audience with precision and efficiency. Embrace the power of AI-driven retargeting and watch as your business experiences unprecedented growth, outpacing your competitors and solidifying your position as an industry leader.
AI-Optimized Websites That Convert!
Turn Visitors Into Customers With An AI-Powered Website That Drives Sales
Your website is the digital face of your business, and it's crucial that it not only looks impressive but also effectively converts visitors into loyal, paying customers. In today's competitive landscape, a visually appealing design alone is not sufficient to guarantee success.

That's where our expert team comes in. We create breathtaking, mobile-responsive websites that are powered by cutting-edge AI technology, ensuring optimal performance across all devices. Our websites are meticulously designed to load at lightning-fast speeds, providing a seamless user experience that keeps visitors engaged and reduces bounce rates. Moreover, our AI-driven optimization techniques ensure that your website ranks prominently in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you.

Don't settle for a website that merely looks good. Demand more from your online presence and partner with us to create a website that truly sets you apart from the competition. With our AI-optimized, conversion-focused approach, you'll watch your business soar to new heights, leaving your rivals in the dust.
Ai-Driven Traffic Strategies!
Find Ready-To-Buy Customers With AI-Powered Paid Traffic Strategy
Attract highly qualified visitors to your website who are ready to make a purchase. Our sophisticated AI algorithms identify the most effective keywords and target the ideal customer demographics with unparalleled accuracy, ensuring that the traffic directed to your site has the highest potential for conversion.

By leveraging these advanced techniques, we bring you visitors who are genuinely interested in your products or services, increasing the likelihood of successful transactions. Our team of experts will meticulously optimize your advertising campaigns across leading platforms such as Google and Facebook, maximizing the return on investment for every dollar you allocate to your marketing efforts.

We continuously monitor and refine these campaigns, adapting to changing market conditions and consumer behavior to consistently deliver the best possible results. With our data-driven approach and cutting-edge AI technology, you can trust that your advertising spend is being utilized in the most efficient and effective manner, ultimately driving substantial growth for your business.
AI Video Marketing Done For You!
Put Yourself In Front Of More Buyers With AI-Generated High-Converting Videos
Harness the incredible power of video to skyrocket your landing page conversion rates by up to 80%. Our AI-generated videos are specifically designed to capture the attention of your website visitors and transform them into loyal customers within minutes. By strategically placing these engaging videos on your landing pages, you'll create an immersive experience that effectively communicates your brand's message and value proposition.

Our state-of-the-art AI video strategies go beyond simply attracting attention; they actively engage, educate, and ultimately CONVERT your audience. Through a combination of compelling visuals, persuasive storytelling, and data-driven insights, our videos forge a deep connection with your potential customers, building trust and fostering a desire to take action. Whether you're showcasing your products, explaining your services, or sharing customer testimonials, our AI-powered videos will captivate your audience and drive them towards conversion.

The beauty of our AI video strategies lies in their versatility and adaptability. Not only will these videos elevate your website's performance, but they can also be seamlessly integrated into your social media campaigns and other marketing channels. By consistently delivering high-quality, AI-generated video content across multiple platforms, you'll establish a strong brand presence, expand your reach, and keep your business at the forefront of your customers' minds. Embrace the future of marketing with our cutting-edge AI video solutions and watch as your conversion rates soar to unprecedented heights.
AI-Powered Marketing Automation That Works!
Level-Up Your Sales Strategy With Little To No Effort
Experience the freedom of putting your business growth on auto-pilot with our AI-powered, high-converting sales funnels. These meticulously designed funnels work tirelessly, 24 hours a day, to drive your business forward and maximize your revenue potential. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, we create a seamless and personalized customer journey that guides your prospects from initial awareness to final conversion, all without requiring your constant attention.

Our proven, step-by-step AI marketing automation strategies take the guesswork out of your messaging and communication. By analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying the most effective triggers and touch points, our AI algorithms deliver the right message to the right person at the perfect time. This targeted approach not only enhances the customer experience but also significantly boosts your sales, with the potential to increase your conversions by an astonishing 200-300%.

The beauty of our AI-powered sales funnels lies in their ability to help you grow your business without demanding more of your time and energy. By automating your marketing efforts and optimizing your funnel for maximum conversions, you can focus on other critical aspects of your business while our AI technology works diligently in the background. With our cutting-edge solutions, you'll experience the joy of watching your business thrive and your revenue soar, all without the need to work harder. Embrace the power of AI marketing automation and take your business growth to new heights with ease.
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Effective Is AI-Poweed Email Marketing To Increase Business?
AI-powered Email marketing generates up to $40 for every dollar you spend! It continues to consistently produce the BEST ROI of any marketing channel. Our AI algorithms personalize your emails, targeting interested customers with truly compelling offers.  The results will blow you away!

What’s The Fastest Way To Get 5 Star Reviews With AI?
The best way to get 5 star reviews is to ask for them at the righ time, with the right message.  Our AI-Powered Reputation Marketing Services analyze your customer data to identify your happiest customers and automatically reach out for a review.  Let us show you how to get FIVE 5-star reviews in under 5 days!

How Can AI Improve My SEO and Paid Traffic Results?
AI takes your SEO and Paid Traffic to the next level.  Our AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most profitable keywords, optimize your content, and fine-tune your ads.  The result?  Higher rankings, more clicks, and ba better ROI.  Combine AI-powered SEO and Paid Traffic to dominate your competition online.  
How Do I Get My Website To Convert Better AI?
Boost your conversions by retargeting 100% of your web visitors with AI. Our AI algorithms analyze visitor behavior to deliver hyper-personalized retargeting ads.  Capture customers you KNOW are interested for just pennies to get as much as 10x the value out of every dollar you spend. 

What’s The Best Way To Get More Visitors To My Website?
AI-powered Paid traffic is the BEST way to get more visitors, sales, and conversions immediately. Our AI algorithms target your ideal customer with laser-precision, finding high-converting traffic that is ready to buy. After they’ve visited, AI retargeting keeps your company top-of-mind and make sure they’re thinking about YOU when it’s time to purchase.

Does AI Video Marketing Really Increase Sales?
Absolutely! Conversion rates for pages with video are up to 80% higher. AI takes video marketing to the next level by generating personalized, engaging videos at scale.  AI-powered video delivers MORE customers, MORE leads, and MORE sales.  If you want visitors to remember your business tomorrow, AI video marketing is the way to go. 
Listen To What Our Clients Say…

Because It’s Our Clients That Matter Most
Best Experience Ever!

Dr. Rittenberg

This client worked with a web master before hiring FoundLocals. “I thought I was fine,” he said. “I thought it was just taking more time.” Luckily for his business, he contacted our company. “They’re great at site optimization,” he said, “and showed me the right way to do things.”

George M.
George tells how FoundLocals helped make his business listing appear on first page of popular search engines with in short period. “You can’t beat that kind of positioning,” he says. As a result, more potential clients began calling and exploring his law firm.

Highly Recommend For Chiropractors!

Dr. Antonio


Before working with FoundLocals, Dr. Antonio had tried several other SEO companies with no success. The professional reports from our company convinced him to try our services, and he’s glad he did. Within five months of working with us, he’s noticed a surge in his customer base.
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Level Up Your Marketing To Get More Customers With The Power Of AI!
Talk To Us About Finding New Customers Online


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Tuesday             9:00AM-5PM  
Wednesday       9:00AM-5PM 
Thursday           9:00AM-5PM 
Friday                 9:00AM-5PM 
Saturday                      Closed 
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1525 19th St S
Birmingham, Al  35205

